DeskDirector Administration Manual

This manual will guide you through the DeskDirector configuration. The quick-start guide will get your clients submitting tickets with DeskDirector in about 30 minutes.



The first thing we need to do is make sure your users will be able to log into DeskDirector. There are a number of authentication methods you can use for different situations.

Active Directory

Our Active Directory integration is probably our most popular authentication method. It is very easy to get setup, here's how you can do it in 5 steps;

  1. Run the DDGetSid tool on a machine in your domain
  2. Get the SID and paste it into your company record on the Company Configs page on the Admin Console
  3. While you're here, add your company's email domain to the domain field
  4. Hit save on each field
  5. Open DeskDirector - you should be automatically logged in as yourself.


If your users are not on a domain, are using the web version, or do not have their email address inside Active Directory they can use Passwordless. This avoids them needing to know their ConnectWise Customer Portal password.

  1. Head to the Passwordless page in the Admin Console
  2. Fill in the form, you need to enter a name for DeskDirector, your from name, and your from address
  3. Add your DeskDirector site IP to your SPF records, or setup a custom SMTP server

Requesting Support

In order for your clients to request support, we need to give them a set of request types they can use.

Request Types

To setup a request type, head to the Request Type page on the admin console. Click create request type, give it a category and a name.


Set the pre-populated title and body of the support request. This can be useful for guiding your user through creating a ticket and to make sure they get you the information you need.


Choose the board, status, priority, service type, service subtype, and service item of this request type. Any tickets created with this request type will have these properties.


Choose which companies or contacts can view this request type. Our suggestion is to create some request types that apply to all of your companies to begin with. As you start to tailor the user experience to the company level, you can create specific request types for your clients that apply to the software/hardware that is unique to them.

Viewing Tickets

We need to make sure your users can view their tickets that are inside your PSA. You can control which boards/queues are shown to your clients on the client security page on the admin console.

Client Security

The right hand side are all the boards/queues that will be shown to your clients. You can set company specific options at the company level, but for 99% of use-cases you will want to just set this at the global level.

Global Permissions

Like Client security you can change the global settings of the access you give your contacts, you can give them access to:

  • All tickets - Allows user to see all tickets in their company
  • Fasttrack - Allow a person to FastTrack a ticket. This will change the ticket status to one specified in the Admin portal. Great for allowing certain contacts to get attention on a certain ticket.
  • Learning - Gives a person access to the learning centre.
  • No Screenshot
  • Chat - Allows a person to chat to a technician. The chat bar will not show if they are not a member of this group.
  • Recommendation - Allows a person to access Recommendations from the DD Portal

As with the Queue Permissions, they can be also set at a company or contact level.

You're Done

And that's it, your clients will now be able to view and submit tickets in DeskDirector. Make sure to impersonate your clients to check what it would look like as them (head to the impersontate contacts page on the admin console).

Read on through this manual to get a deeper understanding of these settings and how they work. But for now, you have the basics down to at least get your clients using the DeskDirector web portal!

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